ThermaLine Comfort
Published on January 15, 2021
Dowell ThermaLineTM
The Dowell ThermaLine™ window and door product range consistently produce very low Uw-values.
During winter or in cooler climates Dowell ThermaLine™ windows help reduce cool air entering the home and help keep warm air indoors. Condensation is reduced considerably, which often occurs as a result of large differences in temperature between the interior and exterior environments.
In summer or warmer climates Dowell ThermaLine™ windows help act as a buffer against the hot air outside, minimising the transfer of heat into a building. Dowell ThermaLine™ will help minimise the loss of cool air, reducing the size and need for air-conditioners.
Solar Heat Gain Co-Efficient (SHGC) is a measure of how much solar radiation passes through a window. For comfort during the summer months, the smaller the SHGC the better.
With SHGC’s as low as 0.18* for the hotter climates and SHGC of 0.55* for the cooler climates, the Dowell ThermaLine™ range will help provide comfort in a home year-round and reduce the need for air-conditioning at home.
Reference source: *Window Energy Rating Scheme [online] Available:, based on double glazed thermally broken aluminium windows and doors (13 November 2014).