Energy Efficiency

Heat Loss

Published on January 14, 2021

Dowell ThermaLineTM

As much as 49% of the heat lost during winter and as much as 87% of the heat gained during summer can come from the windows*.

In Melbourne around 75% of household energy usage is for heating, while around 90% of energy is used for cooling homes in Brisbane. The emphasis on selecting the right product to reduce heat loss in a colder climate and reduce heat gain in a hotter climate should be an important decision to achieve greater comfort and energy efficiency. Choosing the right product and glazing option will help.

The award winning Dowell ThermaLine™ product range with its custom glazing options provides outstanding comfort, noise reduction and energy efficiency, all factors that are highly desired when constructing a new home or renovating an old one.

Reference source: * Australian Window Association [online] Available: resources/windows-for-good-energy-efficiency;; (13 November 2014); Testing based on an average house containing 8% area of glazing in the entire building fabric (windows, walls, floor and roof).

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