
Thermal Barrier

Published on January 14, 2021

Dowell ThermaLineTM

The Dowell ThermaLine™ thermal barrier is made of high quality polyamide and glass fiber construction providing superior insulation and geometry tolerance. Polyamide has high mechanical strength and exceptional heat, UV and chemical resistance, which ensure the thermal strip’s geometry tolerance.

The glass fiber compound makes the thermal barrier strip durable, but most of all it matches the thermal barrier strip’s Linear Thermal Expansion Co-Efficient (LTEC) with that of the aluminum’s.

The thermal barrier geometry affects the quality of composite profile. A thermal break with poor geometry results in poor geometry of the composite profiles which also has built-in stress, leading to poor performance such as air tightness, water tightness and wind resistance.

Complete thermal breaks in all parts of the window, ensure there is optimal thermal performance.

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